Here are a few tips for great organizational leadership:

Blog communicate clearly and effectively: Make sure to clearly communicate your vision, goals, and expectations to your team.

Mahesh Chookolingo

1/1/20235 min read

group of people sitting on chair in front of brown wooden table
group of people sitting on chair in front of brown wooden table

Here are a few tips for great organizational leadership:

Keys for Success

  1. Communicate clearly and effectively: Make sure to clearly communicate your vision, goals, and expectations to your team.

  2. Foster a positive work culture: Create a positive and inclusive work environment that encourages collaboration and teamwork. Do not confuse employee feedback as negative, far too often management likes to assume that if an employee is disgruntled, they are the problem. remember being a leader means you are in the people-building business. take the time to find out if there is anything personal going on in their lives. Maybe there are organizational deficiencies adding to their stresses. Use internal organizational complaints to improve your systems. stop punishing people who complain.

  3. Lead by example: Set a good example for your team by being reliable, accountable, and ethical. If you want your team to output with enthusiasm and motivation, they have to see that you are willing to get in the trenches with them and help get the whole team across the finish line. far too often management likes to sit in their ivory tower and call the shots. this only builds resentment and is a recipe for a mutiny. many good books exist few of my favorites are: The 48 laws of Power, The art of war, Crushing it, Never split the difference, No self, No problem, Karma by Sadhguru, 12 rules for life. there are thousands of good books, these are some that will help you get started.

  4. Empower your team: Give your team the resources and support they need to succeed, and allow them to take ownership of their work. This goes back to what I said earlier about adding to the stresses of your employees. If your team is not cohesive, and they feel that their concerns or demand for resources to get their job done efficiently or effectively is not met. this employee can become your worst nightmare in your organization. Think of your employees like your children, and the business is your family structure. common sense says, if your home is running right, your family will be for the most part, happy. You can’t get 100% but you can make it manageable enough for the enterprises to be fruitful for all involved.

  5. Be adaptable: Be willing to adapt to changing circumstances and be open to new ideas and approaches. the biggest mistake is that far too often mature leaders feel they have power, and power equals leverage. though this is true to some degree, tables can turn very quickly if you are not conscious and careful in how you manage your operations. always remember the core basic principle. In the west, we have lost this basic fundamental principle about the purpose of business. Here in the west, we are taught that business equals profits and the happiness of the shareholders is primary. But think about it! Why do we have economies? why do we have a business? why do we all subject ourselves to this game? because we are all in the people business. This is a fact that must be remembered and understood. If employees are happy, and customers are happy, then it trickles up to shareholders being happy. far too often organizations lack in one area or the other. as long as we remember that it's about the people, ALL of the people in evolved, then we have a shot and making anything work. numbers, projections, and data sheets, these are all tools to help guide us but never forget the baseline fundamental of loving people. look I am not saying this is gonna be easy or perfect, but there are ways to mitigate these challenges we will always face.

  6. Foster continuous learning: Encourage continuous learning and professional development for yourself and your team. this is a great one. I personally keep myself educated while driving down the road between locations for my job. I use audible books, podcasts, and also affirmations are extremely important. Most organizations provide in-house training but I have noticed they have become impersonal and boring and do not attract the interest of the learner. I would try to find creative and rewarding ways to help build and grow your team. Make your people feel emotionally incentivized to support your brand and be the best they can be. I hope you are catching the theme in this article.

  7. Build strong relationships: Build strong relationships with your team and stakeholders, and encourage open and honest communication. You must encourage any and all criticism from your team. if you think someone or something is becoming toxic, then you may have to consider using a liaison or maybe trying to understand the personal life of the individual in order to find a way to neutralize the hostility before you can begin negotiations. this is a big one. take the time to listen and understand fully before trying to negotiate or manipulate in any way. the lack of listening makes up for a huge percentage of all situations going wrong.

  8. Make informed decisions: Use data and research to inform your decision-making processes. you cannot try to use a one size fits all approach when dealing with your team. everyone has individually different needs, some are financial, some are emotional, and some are resource-based. some are simply you being able to prove to them what they need to get the project task at hand completed in a more efficient manner. always take the time to be silent, observant, and inquisitive. each being should fascinate you, and spark curiosity in you. and to know that we all are human beings and we all ultimately want the same things out of life. Modern-day corporate structures lack this and often hide behind terms like; keeping it professional or taking personal accountability! Though these statements are true to a degree it lacks the nuance that each case scenario may call for. Being a leader of many is no easy feat and should be understood as such when entering this arena. If I could find a way to describe it, think of this role as a spiritual role much like a Shamin or village elder rather than some mono-authoritative figure.

  9. Show appreciation: Show appreciation for your team’s hard work and contributions. A team at the University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School has produced evidence of what many people have long suspected — happier employees do a better job says this article. Companies that have engaged in active reward mechanisms such as birthday cards, congratulations on jobs well done, and sharing of company profits in the form of bonuses and gift cards have yielded a more productive and mostly happier workforce. If resources are lacking simply reach out to that employee who is probably overworked, and over-taxed, encourage them to take some time off, and remind them of the great work they are doing. Burning out your employees will only reap horrible consequences for your organization that will lead to resentment and more cascading issues along the way. remember you have to make it about the people and the love of people for any team to truly succeed.

  10. Last but not least! Be approachable: Be approachable and available to your team, and encourage open communication and feedback. this is the number one thing in my book actually. feedback is how we continually improve. instead in the modern-day corporate world, people are so scared to lose their jobs and titles, that they get so caught up in the blame game, and scapegoating that they lose the most essential spiritual aspect to all of this. You must allow free speech and listen carefully and closely to the needs that any particular team member may have. Allow a truly open door policy where you do not shame or shun the remarks. If the team member happens to be in the wrong or too hostile, understand that de-escalation must occur first. you have to allow the conditions to be right. Allow them to vent, then reschedule a time when everyone can reconvene at a later time when everyone is calm and prepared for a proper discussion for resolution. far too often people try to resolve the issue in the first go around, and this only makes things worse. Never attempt to resolve an issue when they are in the middle of a shift, or dealing with personal issues. simply listen and then re-schedule a time or give some time off if needed. trying to ambush, pigeonhole or bamboozle the disgruntled employee will only worsen the situation for everyone.

Inspire, Listen, Help, and Motivate! it’s about the people nothing else.